Wrong One Jack And Jack. Stream Wrong One by Jack and Jack on desktop and mobile. This is the fourth song in Jack Jacks new Calibraska EPBuy it on iTunes.

Escribe el título de una canción un artista o la letra. Also see Camelot duration release date label popularity energy danceability and happiness. You know how it goes When you fall for the wrong one.
Letra de Wrong One de Jack Jack.
Just to turn around and hurt one another Its fucked up You know how it goes When you fall for the wrong one Yeah you may have been the wrong one but we met at the right time Late night dinner date sipping white wine After hours downtown like we fight crime When youre with someone around the clock might find That you learn to depend on. This more RB heavy track Wrong One is the fourth and final song off the CalibraskaEP. Truth is I could see you. You know how it goes When you fall for the wrong one.