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Wrong Drug Preparation Error Adalah. Jenis-jenis medication errors berdasarkan alur proses pengobatan Tipe Medication Errors Keterangan Unauthorized drug Obat yang terlanjur diserahkan kepada pasien padahal diresepkan oleh bukan dokter yang berwenang Improper dosequantity Dosis kekuatan atau jumlah obat yang tidak sesuai dengan yang dimaksud dalam resep Wrong dose. Dan pengeluaran adalah kesalahan konten yaitu kesalahan membaca resep kesalahan label yaitu kesalahan penulisan pada etiket.
Types Of Medication Errors Download Table from
Interaksi obat terjadi bila dua atau lebih obat berinteraksi sehingga toksisitas dan efektifitasnya dapat berubah. Some of the more common include. Therefore errors occurring at any stage can cause harmful clinical outcomes to the patients which may lead to morbidity and mortality.
To further complicate a practitioners responsibility during patient care there are thousands of health supplements herbs potions and lotions used by the public regularly to treat their health problems.
Ada 8 jenis Drug Related Problem yaitu. Slips lapses or mistakes are sources of errors as in unintended omissions. 1 Also in the USA it has been estimated that adverse drug events cost a single teaching hospital 56 million of which 28 million was preventable. 52 Jurnal Administrasi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 5 Nomor 1 Januari-Juni 2017 FAKTOR PERAWAT TERHADAP KEJADIAN MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION ERROR DI INSTALASI RAWAT INAP NURSE FACTORS TO THE OCCURANCE OF MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION ERROR IN.