Wind Speed In Delhi Right Now. Delhi Police said six people died and 13 were injured in various areas of the city in accidents like felling of trees collapse of walls and electrocution following the storm which was accompanied by winds at a speed of over 90 kmph. FREE MP3 FLAC albums CD Baby.
From few clouds light grey to overcast dark grey. Wind direction and speed in miles per hour. Fine particulate matter AQI is 203 - Delhi PM 10 respirable particulate matter AQI is 304 - Delhi NO 2 nitrogen dioxide AQI is 34 - Delhi SO 2 sulfur dioxide AQI.
Forecast models ECMWF GFS NAM and NEMS.
The arrows point in the direction in which the wind is blowing. Get your own GAIA quality monitoring station now. 101 71 F Humidity. Most precipitation falling will be 340 mm 013 inch on Thu 05.