Public Safety Alert Ny. Maintaining the Food Supply From Producer to Retailer. In an emergency requiring Village resources contact EmergencyPlandomeHeights-NYgov.
Office of Communication Services 625 Broadway Albany NY 12233-4500 518-402-8013 Send us an email. Links Leaving DECs Website. The NYPD provides a number of services to help increase awareness around public safety concerns.
In an emergency contact the Public Safety Department Emergency Dispatch Center at 212 650-7777 or via any blue light emergency telephone on campus.
Please be assured that the data you provide will. Public Safety Transitions to Campus Safety. They have been ambassadors for the neighborhood and are constantly on alert to help deter crime and assist our community. NY-ALERT The Department maintains and utilizes the NY-Alert Emergency Notification system to deploy alerts pertinent to residents businesses and visitors ofto Washington County.