Officer Involved Shooting Training. Membership Training and Resources for Internal Affairs. Community Policing and Community Engagement Police Officer Training.

The Officer-Involved Shootings topic page provides news about cops in deadly confrontations as well as tactical tips and columnists perspective on how to handle such situations. In 2019 Officer Ehlers was attacked in lethal force encounter that led to an officer involved shooting. Officer Involved Shooting Training for Tactical Teams 3 Hour Webinar - August 18 2021.
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement TCOLE Officer-Involved Shooting Survival online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers Jailers and Telecommunicators.
This course will examine the investigative best practices for providing a standardized and systematic approach to deadly force and in-custody death investigations. Community Policing and Community Engagement Police Officer Training. No event creates as much trauma for an officer and their department as an officer-involved shooting that involves. Ballistic Research Facility FBI Academy Officer Involved Shooting 11292006 600 PM EST A Pennsylvania.