Dnd Hand Of Vecna 5e. The swords obsession with those artifacts eventually becomes a fixation for its wielder. 35000A selection of magic rings UNLOCKED.

When Vecna grew in power he appointed an evil and ruthless lieutenant Kas the Bloody Handed to act as his bodyguard and right hand. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. Hand of VecnaHeroic ArtifactThis blackened charred mummified left hand with long claw-like fingers is icy cold to the touchThe Hand of Vecna is effectively a2 frost spiked gauntletEnhancement.
You remember the Hand of Vecna and the Eye of Vecna that were artifacts in the old DD world where if you cut off your hand or your eye and replaced it with the Hand of Vecna or the Eye youd get new awesome powers.
Attack rolls and damage rollsCritical2d6 cold damagePropertyIf you are lawful good good or unaligned you must succeed on a DC 15 Charismacheck once per week. If a player manages to get both the Hand and the Eye they get another hand full of. Matt Colville also characterizes Vecna as having six fingers which I think does a great job of tipping off players in the know but official 5e content not to mention Vecnas appearance as the big bad in one of the seasons of Critical Role usually portrays him as having the usual five. The hand pulses with green energy after it has been reattached.