Asap Rocky Rihanna Zodiac. ASAP Rockys zodiac sign and compatibility with Rihanna ASAP Rocky was born on October 3rd 1988 making him a Libra while Rihanna was born on February 20th 1988 which makes her a. His zodiac sign is Libra.
She has worked with celebrities like Gigi and Bella Hadid Kim. In August 2011 Rockys single Peso was leaked online and within weeks was aired on the radio. 20 1988 is a dreamy and sensitive Pisces while Rocky born Oct.
Rihanna pisces asaprocky libra.
A huge congratulations to Rihanna and Rakim aka ASAP Rocky who have recently revealed that they are expecting their first child together. The One Nail Polish Color Your Zodiac Sign Should Wear for Taurus Season. 20 1988 is a dreamy and sensitive Pisces while Rocky born Oct. ASAP Rockys Еduсаtіоnal Background.